From the desk of Board Vice President, Brooklyn Scotto
As we roll into fall, the Governor Morehead Foundation also welcomes change. This semester we welcome Mr. Daniel Simmons as the new GMS Principal! We look forward to working together to continue to foster the unique and tailored learning environment GMS has provided.
Additionally, GMS board members are working hard to create our next memorable annual fundraiser – The Season of Giving. Each year we are working to grow our outreach, bolster our mission, and advance our funding goals to support the students, faculty/staff, and families of the Governor Morehead School. This year, the Season of Giving will be hosted in a new venue for the event and we hope to make it even more special. It is going to be on November 7th, so get your tickets & we’ll see you there!
Get your tickets here! We are still on the lookout for some amazing auction items as well as sponsors, if you or your business are interested, send me an email!
Foundation Aid
At recent board meetings, the foundation board approved several funding requests from faculty at the Governor Morehead School:
- Request to fund a student outing to the State Fair!
- Request to celebrate teacher appreciation week.
- Field trip to Durham Bulls
- Request for lunch money for children who will make a visit to Crabtree Valley Mall on February 26. The visit is to enhance students’ orientation and mobility skills.
- Generation Genius
- Model UN
- GMS Charger Station Cafe
- Parent Gas Cards
Board Member Highlight – Robert Parrish

- member of on the Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities, chairing the Housing Committee
- board member of the Governor Morehead Foundation, serving on the Fundraising Committee
- Robert was with a group who went before the Raleigh City Council to make it safer for blind people to walk downtown
- head of the Triangle Federation of the Blind
- former pastor of Love Wins Ministries which served the needs of the homeless population of Raleigh
- Immediate Past President of the Board of Directors of Arts Access North Carolina which makes art accessible for disabled persons
- a volunteer at the North Carolina State Fair Peace Booth on CUCC’s day
Upcoming Events!
GMF is hosting our annual Season of Giving on October 24th this year! There will be student performances, a silent auction, food, & more. Be on the look out for more information.
GMS Released a new video! Check it out here!
Accessible Outdoor Learning Center
We did it! Thank you to everyone who donated and supported this large endeavor. Check out the video of the Grand Opening Ceremony below or check the page on our website ribbon for more pictures and info! GMS Playground Grand Opening